Sunday, December 20, 2009

6 months old!

I am now 6 months old!! I can't believe I have been here almost half of a year!! I am having so much fun and learning so much!

I LOVE to crawl and I am getting faster!

I love the tree!

I am not sure about this crazy reindeer! It sings "Up on the Housetop" really loud!

I love to pull up on everything...even Daddy!

I can stand up in my bed!

I just have to learn how to fall better! I am pretty clumsy right now!

Daddy took me hunting last night.  I only got to stay for about 5 minutes.  I was trying to tell him a story and apparently you are not supposed to talk?
Don't worry...daddy didn't take the gun.  It was just for the picture!

BUT...Mommy did take the gun and look what she brought home!! I was so proud of her!
(Dont worry! I was only out of my warm snuggie for just a moment! I was throwing a little fit because I was getting hot and wanted my legs free and my Daddy forgot my pants! I was only out of my snuggie for just a second! My Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me go cold!)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

On December 6th, we drove the boy scouts in the Christmas parade in downtown Charleston. This is me and Daddy waiting for the parade to start.

It was windy!

I am a big boy!

Me and Mommy

We saw soooo many people!

I waved and smiled! Don't worry! We were traveling about 2mph and the policeman said I could be out of my seat during the parade. We went REAL slow. When the parade was over I was back in my carseat!!

I still got very bored though!! It was more fun to stand in the floor board!

On December 10th, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and we went to see the lights at the James Island Festival of Lights. This is a sand sculpture! It was amazing!

It was soooo cold! I love my Daddy!

Now that I have learned to give kisses, I just can't stop!

Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa got hot chocolate and we walked though the "enchanted forest". It was full of animals made of lights.

As you can see, I had such a hard time looking at the camera because there were too many lights! I was mesmerized!

This looks like my pet deer Rocco!

This is a spider! Itsy Bitsy Spider is my FAVORITE song!!

My Daddy was too cheap to pay for a picture of me with Santa so this is the best we could get! I have already met Santa at Bass Pro Shop in Myrtle Beach. I liked him for several minutes but then I cried! He was kinda loud!

Carolina Christmas!!

They had bonfires for people to roast marshmallows and make s'mores. We are actually blocking it in the picture.

I love my Santa suit!


Santa Baby!

Mommy Note:
Hayden has begun to crawl and he is very busy!! He actually pulled himself up to stand up today a daycare!! I don't think I am ready for that! :)
He also loves squash, carrots and green beans!! He is such a good and happy boy! We are so blessed! Thank you for keeping up with the blog and watching Hayden grow up with us!
I love doing the blog but these entries are very time consuming and since I have gone back to work it is hard to get it done! We hope everyone has a great Christmas! Happy Holidays!!

Family Pictures!

Hi everyone! We took some family pictures at Sears in Myrtle Beach. Here is the link to view them!

Hope you enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving!!

My first Thanksgiving was a wonderful day! I started my day with my first baby food!! SQUASH!!

What is this!?!?!

If everyone else gets a special meal on Thanksgiving, I should too!


Then it was time for the adults to eat!

My cousin Leah! I really like her!

I had so much fun I fell asleep at the dinner table.

Up from my nap!! Time to play the piano!

I am really good!

My Mom and Dad had so much fun playing Apples to Apples with the family!

Weee! I love to fly in the air! My Grandaddy is so fun!

My Great-grandma read me a book!

Then it was off to my Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Lastinger's house for more fun!
My Great-grandpa even let me get my hands greasy with a turkey leg!!

I did sneak a bite! It made me shiver!!

So much fun!

This is my cousin Abi. My Mommy gave her a bottle.

I got to meet my Aunt Margot for the first time. This turkey paper plate was my FAVORITE toy for the weekend! I even got to bring it home. I am still playing with it!

My Great-Grandma tickles my toes!

Abi loves her bumbo too! She is very cute!

Thi is me all bundled up for our annual Thanksgiving day walk. It was very cold!

The annual walkers!

Side-by-side strollers!!

Me and Abi will have so much fun growing up together!

I tried to show her how to crawl!

Me and Mommy

On Friday, Fletcher came over to visit! He is so big!