Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend!

My G-ma and Papa came to visit for Easter!
I got to stay up really late so that I could play with them on Thursday night!
I was so excited they were here!

Friday morning Papa, Daddy and Mommy got up really early to go turkey hunting. 
Mommy got one!!!

Papa got one too!!

We had turkey for dinner on Friday night thanks to Papa and Mommy! 

Saturday afternoon we went to the river on the boat. 
Here are some pictures of all of our fun!

I had another Bologna sandwich!

Daddy caught a minnow with this plastic bag. He was very proud of himself!

I LOVE watermelon!

On Easter morning, the Easter Bunny came and brought me presents!!
He left a trail of eggs from my room to my baskets!




Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt at School 4/20

Today was my Easter egg hunt at school.  My Mommy was able to leave work and come with me!
I was the fastest egg hunter in my class!!

After we found all of the eggs, we went back into our classroom to check out what was in our baskets.

This is my teacher Ms Sara helping my open one of my treats!

There were all kinds of sweet things in my eggs. 
 I really enjoyed it because I usually don't get to have to many sugary things!

It is very hard for me and all my friends to sit still for a picture but we tried!
Here are some of the attempts!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The first boat ride of 2011!! April 17

Today was our first boat ride of the year!!
It was such a beautiful day!

My Mommy made a Bologna sandwich and it was so yummy!

The Santee is a beautiful river.  There are hardly any house at all.

Vroom Vroom! Daddy let me drive.

I helped Daddy testing out all of the equipment!

We only saw one other boat and I made sure I waved hello!!

No worries! We were sitting still and I was only here for a second!!

and Mommy's hand was on me for this picture too! (Just for you worriers!!)

I can't wait for the rest of the summer! 
(Darn that snotty nose!!)

Easter Egg Hunt April 16th

On Saturday, we had our Easter Egg Hunt
at our church, Lifepark.
At the last minute, they had to move the hunt into the building because of bad weather. 
They had to hide 12,000 eggs in the building and then we had to hunt in shifts. 
It really worked out well though!

(Mommy note: I am pretty disappointed with the pictures from the egg hunt but it was CRAZY crowded with kids and eggs! Hayden was VERY excited and was hunting like a maniac!!
I couldn't ever get him to look at me.)

I had to look really hard for some of the eggs. They were everywhere!

I found some extra stuff too...

Daddy helped!

I collected so many eggs that I needed an
extra bag to carry them in!
After all of the hunting the rain had stopped and we had a big cookout on the lawn!
My G-ma and Papa will be here with me for Easter. I can't wait to show them my egg hunting skills!!